Restraurant Reviews from Around LA

Sandy's Fish and Chips and John's Fish Market, Seafood and Fish Market, Marthas Vineyard, Vineyard Haven, MA

State Road,

Vineyard Haven, MA 02568

(508) 693-1220

If you are on Marthas Vineyard in the summer, or the months around summer (They are not open in the winter for Fish and Chips) and want some really good high quality Fish & Chips you are doing yourselves a disfavor if you don't try this place out. On my recent trip to Marthas Vineyard with my girlfriend Kelly, we went here to have lunch as our first meal on our first full day on the island. And I was not disappointed nor was my girlfriend. This is top quality food. Sure you eat on picnic benches in the parking lot with plastic utensils, but this is about great food and not ambiance. And while you are there marvel over the fact that this is the only fish store I have ever been in that literally does not smell at all, in fact it smells great. Where is the fish smell? How do they do it? Honestly I have no idea, and I don't care. Honestly I will dream of this place until I have it again while I dream of Marthas Vineyard from out in Los Angeles.

This Seafood is awesome. Just awesome. Looked like we had flat fish today for fish and chips, and it has very little batter, pretty much all fish. And tasty fish at that. And of course they have vinegar for you to eat these British style.

This Fish and Chips is to die for. I wish we had a chance to have it again before we left. I really do. It is so damn good.
