Lost in the Tardis


Speed up a slow updated Google Reader

For anyone else who relies heavily on RSS feeds, and Google Reader to read them, this hint is a real help. Google recently updated reader with an awful new look, and made it incredibly slow. Well someone on the Google Forums has found a solution that returns the old speed.

In either Chrome or Firefox Adblock add a new rule and enter the following text:


This should return the old speed, but getting rid of the +1 button on other sites (like it gone from 500px). Not an ideal solution, but anything to get my speed back!

And if you added a custom google plus feed to the Send To it still works.

Free Invites to Google+

So if anyone wants an invite to Google Plus, just follow this link and it will get you signed up.

So far I am digging Google+, the ability to share with who you want to makes a huge amount of sense and it something that Facebook should have done long ago.

I just can’t believe that there is no Google Reader integration, as the Buzz feed just doesn’t connect (though you can see it in your profile). They need to add one entry that adds to google buzz, google plus and facebook all at once. And not just a Chrome extension, as I personally use Firefox.
Created by Jonah Lee Walker 2011